


  1. This Electronic Office and its register are subject to the provisions of the legal notice and privacy policy, whose definitions and stipulations require prior and mandatory acceptance by the user. In accordance with the foregoing , the following conditions of use for the Electronic Office and the General Electronic Register have been established, to be applied to whoever uses its contents or services.

  2. In accordance with the provisions of article 16 and 17 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, it is hereby declared that this Electronic Office was created by the Resolution 1A0/38263/2010, of 1 December, of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, creating the Electronic Office of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, and published in the Official State Gazette on Tuesday, 28 December, 2010, no. 315, sec. I., page 107632.

  3. At this time, the following procedures can be carried out through this Electronic Office:

  4. In accordance with the provisions of the "Privacy policy" section on personal data protection within the CNI files, we recommend that users, by virtue of the power conferred 6 on them by article 16.4.a) of Law 39/2015, of 1 October, on the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, intending to use this Electronic Office or its register to submit notifications to any of the bodies listed in article 2.1 of the said regulation, to do so through the General Digital Access Point of the Administration.

  5. Other applicable regulations:

    • Resolution 1A0/38263/2010, of 1 December, of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, creating the electronic office of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia.

    • Resolution 1A0/38248/2011, of 15 November, of the Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, creating and regulating the General Electronic Register.