
Product certifications and laboratory accreditations

How much does a product certification cost?

The certification process between the certification applicant and the CCN is free of charge. Although the single additional provision of the Regulation includes the possibility of establishing fees for the issuing of the certificate, the certification body has chosen not to do so for the time being.

A cost is applicable for the evaluation work carried out by the laboratory, which is regulated by a contract between the applicant and the laboratory and ends with the issuance of a technical evaluation report.


How long does it take to certify a product?

It depends on many factors and agents:

  • product complexity,
  • level of evaluation,
  • work load of the laboratory and of the certification body,
  • availability of the product and the documentation required,
  • responsiveness of the applicant to resolve any incidents that may arise during the evaluation process


What type of products are certified under the National Security Scheme?

The level of security of ICT products, either software or hardware, is certified according to the standards approved in the Scheme: ITSEC, Common Criteria, ISO15408/ISO18045 and ISO19790/ISO24759.


How long is the certification valid?

The certificate obtained under the Common Criteria standard is recognised by all the signatory countries of the CCRA agreement and does not have an expiration date, provided that the conditions under which it was issued are met. Likewise, Spain also recognises any certificate issued by an authorised country within the CCRA  agreement. In both cases, only up to level EAL2.


I still have doubts - what other ways can I contact you?

For more information on how to submit an application, the contact e-mail address is Further information is also available on the website of the certification body of the CCN.


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